Increase or Decrease the Size of Static Partition in Linux

Dhruv Upadhyay
2 min readSep 6, 2022

There are two Memory Management Techniques: Contiguous, and Non-Contiguous. In Contiguous Technique, the executing process must be loaded entirely in the main memory. Contiguous Techniques can be divided into:

  1. Fixed (or static) partitioning
  2. Variable (or dynamic) partitioning
  • So first we have created a fixed partition in sdb hard disk of size 5G and mounted it to the /ld mount point.
  • Now we would unmount sdb1 partition from the folder and reun e2fsck command. The e2fsck command is used to check the ext2/ext3/ext4 family of file systems. For ext3 and ext4 filesystems that use a journal, if the system has been shut down uncleanly without any errors, normally, after replaying the committed transactions in the journal, the file system should be marked as clean.
  • Then we would delete the 5G partition.
  • After deleting the 5G partition, we would create a new partition of the new required size(in this case, 7G). In the process of deleting the file, we would not delete the ext4 signature in the partition.
  • Now we have created a new partition of 7G, and now we have to mount it.
  • First we would run resize2fs command to format it in a special way such that no data is lost. Then we would mount it to the desired folder.

